There are dire consequences for families, especially married couples, who intend to resolve their marital issues in the court of public opinion.
According to Pastor Vincent Acquaah of Calvary Charismatic Centre (CCC), such moves have increased broken homes and many marriages destroyed.
“With all my experiences, I have been married for thirty-five years, civil engineer by profession and a marriage counselor, conflict in marriage is everywhere but don’t take your issues to the radio.”, Pastor Acquaah admonished.
Speaking at the Church’s Family Month [every August] the head of the CCC Family Counsel Unit also admonished Christians to seek both secular and Christian counsel anytime there is conflict in their homes.
He advised that Counselors are available to resolve issues in homes and workplaces; therefore, people should not hesitate to engage professionals when needed.
“When your partner asks you to seek a counselor’s advice, don’t say he or she has reported you to your pastor.
“It is the benefit of two of you. It’s only in Ghana that people see counseling from a different perspective. We go to seek counsel when our businesses are not doing well and we have to do the same for our marriages”, Pastor Acquaah pointed out.